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Q: What is the history of synthetic history?
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Related questions

Who used the first synthetic chemotherapeutic agent?

The first synthetic chemotherapeutic agent was used by Dr. Paul Ehrlich in the early 1900s. He developed Salvarsan, a treatment for syphilis, which was a milestone in the history of chemotherapy.

What percentage makes a synthetic oil synthetic?

Synthetic is 100% synthetic. There are blends sold that are part synthetic & regular oil. Look for a quart that sates FULL or 100% Synthetic. If it says Synthetic Blend then it is not 100% Synthetic.Synthetic is 100% synthetic. There are blends sold that are part synthetic & regular oil. Look for a quart that sates FULL or 100% Synthetic. If it says Synthetic Blend then it is not 100% Synthetic.

Is polyester synthetic or natural?

Polyester is synthetic.

What is the different semi synthetic oil and syntetic?

Semi synthetic or synthetic blend is a combination of synthetic and conventional oil. Full synthetic oil is just that 100% synthetic oil.

What has the author J P P Higgins written?

J. P. P. Higgins has written: 'Cloth of gold' -- subject(s): Cloth of gold, History, Metal cloth, Synthetic Textile fibers, Textile fabrics, Textile fibers, Synthetic

Can you mix part synthetic oil full synthetic oil?

You can mix part synthetic oil with full synthetic oil.

Does a 2005 explorer take synthetic oil or synthetic blend?

You can use synthetic, synthetic blend, or conventional oil. It is your choice.

Is it okay to switch from synthetic to regular?

synthetic to conventional - ok conventional to synthetic - no

Is concrete natural or synthetic?

It is synthetic, but what we use to make concrete is natural AND synthetic.

Can you mix synthetic and non synthetic?

No, you could mix with synthetic blend but its not recommended.

Is toothpaste a natural or synthetic?

it is synthetic

Can you mix full synthetic with semi synthetic gear oil?

Yes, semi synthetic is a blend of synthetic and conventional oil already.