Cecilia is a female given name derived from a Roman family name, which was itself derived from the word caecus, meaning blind.
Cecil can be used as a boy's name as well as a girl's name. Traditionally, the name Cecil is used to name a male. The name Cecil is of Latin and Welsh origin. The meaning of the name is "Sixth" or "Blind". The female counterpart of this name is Cecilia. Fraternal boy girl twins are commonly named Cecil and Cecilia.
Cecilia has a Latin origin, from the Latin word caecus, meaning blind. It means "the way for the blind". It was a Roman family name. The most famous religious figure is Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music. The name has ranked among the top 500 names for girls in the USA for more than 100 years.
what is the origin of the name Chicago
The origin of the name Cristina is Spanish.Cristina means "Christ Bearer".
Bobadilla is a surname of Spanish origin.
The name Cecilia has a latin origin and means blind. If you'd like to find the meaning of other baby names visit www.yeahbaby.com
Cecil can be used as a boy's name as well as a girl's name. Traditionally, the name Cecil is used to name a male. The name Cecil is of Latin and Welsh origin. The meaning of the name is "Sixth" or "Blind". The female counterpart of this name is Cecilia. Fraternal boy girl twins are commonly named Cecil and Cecilia.
Cecil can be used as a boy's name as well as a girl's name. Traditionally, the name Cecil is used to name a male. The name Cecil is of Latin and Welsh origin. The meaning of the name is "Sixth" or "Blind". The female counterpart of this name is Cecilia. Fraternal boy girl twins are commonly named Cecil and Cecilia.
Saint Cecilia was a Roman citizen and her country of origin is now known as Italy.
Cecilia Bonelli's birth name is Mara Cecilia Bonelli.
Cecilia Foss's birth name is Cecilia Huke.
Country of origin is Brazil.
Cecilia Ulrich's birth name is Maria Cecilia Ulrich.
Raquel Cecilia's birth name is Raquel Cecilia Holmes.
Cecilia Cafiero's birth name is Maria Cecilia Cafiero.
Cecilia Pantoja's birth name is Cecilia Pantoja Levi.
Cecilia Peck's birth name is Cecilia Alexandra Peck.