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Your question is a little vague. The Roman army had specialists in all areas. Some of them were engineers, architects, bookkeepers, Accountants, armorers, blacksmiths, instructors in the various types of combat and the use of weapons, artillerymen, bowmen and slingers. Each division or compartment of a legion had its compliment of specialists in certain areas.

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Q: What kind of people made up the corps of specialists in the roman army?
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How many men would share a tent in the roman?

In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.

What happened to roman deserters?

If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.

What Roman policy had changed by 265BC?

The Roman policy that changed in 265BC was that the Roman army was big enough to defeat anything it challenged, therefore Rome stopped making citizens of the people it conquered.

What was the Roman hierarchy?

The Roman hierarchy in the beginning was separated into 2 levels. The Patricians: They were BORN into this family. So they are nobles. Then the Plebians: These people where mainly artistans or peasants. Then when the Roman Empire had started 2 more levels where added. The Middle Class: People who had started as Plebians but had now made buisnesses and where making money but not as much as the Patricians. And The Army: They obviously went to the army.

Was the Roman army loyal?

Yes, extremely. There was no greater honour in the Roman Empire than to serve it. The army embodied this principle in the highest manner.

Related questions

What kind of the people made up the corps of specialists in the roman army?

Your question is a little vague. The Roman army had specialists in all areas. Some of them were engineers, architects, bookkeepers, Accountants, armorers, blacksmiths, instructors in the various types of combat and the use of weapons, artillerymen, bowmen and slingers. Each division or compartment of a legion had its compliment of specialists in certain areas.

What was the name of the Romans army?

The name of a Roman army corps was legion. The Roman army could be mobilise several legions.

What is a group of 5000 soldiers in roman times?

The size of a Roman legion (army corps) was about 5,100 men.

Did roman people look after the army?

It was not the Roman people who looked after the army. It was the Roman state.

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The Army MOS, or Military Operation Specialists, includes jobs in divisions such as Interpreter, Engineer Corps, Artillery divisions in the Field and Air units, and Signal Corps. All these jobs are for enlisted soldiers.

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the people in the roman army earnt sex from prostitutes

What is the plural form of corpus?

The plural of corps (pronounced kor), meaning a division of an army forming a tactical unit; branch or department of an army e.g. Army Medical Corps, Adjutant General's Corps; an organised body, group of people working more or less together is corps (pronounced korz)

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What is a corps commander?

A Corps is a body of men which is made up of 1 or more divisions. Army or Army Group is bigger, Division is smaller than a Corps. If you take D day as an example: Eisenhower is the Army commander. Bradley & Montgomery each command Army Groups, the people like Leese, Hodges & Patton are Corps Commanders.

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Womens Army Corp

What is a legion in the roman army?

A legion was the basic unit of a Roman army. It consisted of roughly 5,000 infantry, if at full strength. It was divided into cohorts which were further divided into centuries. In addition to the infantry there were also cavalry and auxiliaries attached to each legion.

What is the basic military unit of the roman army?

The basic unit of the Roman army was the century, which had 80 men. The centuries were grouped into 10 cohorts, one of which was double, it had 160 men. The 10 cohorts formed a legions, which was an army corps.