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Stone and turf.

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the romans used stone and turf

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Q: What materials did the Romans use to build Hadrian's wall?
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Related questions

Where did the Romans and Celts fight?

The Romans and the Celts fought in Hadrians Wall.

What materials are used in the manufacture of Hadrians wall?

Stone and composite bricks.

What materials were used to build hadrians wall?

Hadrian's wall is a defensive wall built in Roman Britain. Its construction was started in AD 122. The wall is partly built with Squared Stones and partly with Turf.

When did the Romans stop using hadrians wall?

The Romans abandoned the wall by about 410AD, and withdrew from England. There were various reasons, among which were; Increased Barbarian invasions, military coups and econimic decline.

What famous wall did the Romans built between Scotland and England?

Hadrian's Wall, although it is in northern England and some distance from the modern Scottish border.

When did emperor hadrian build hadrians wall?

Hadrian built the wall to mark the boundary of the empire and to prevent raids by the Scottish tribes.

Did the Romans take scottish women as wives?

Probably not, as the Hadrians wall was the only thing that stopped the romans from invading scotland, so why marry someone you despise?

What happened after the Romans fight against the Britons?

They have reached to the today's Scotland and then built the Hadrians wall so the north empire can not attack them.

Who lived near hadrians wall?

Hadrians wall is in Rome and It was built by the sevants of King Hadrian. And they found timber by it.

How important was Hadrians wall?

It was the least important wall

Which is longer Hadrians Wall or Amazon River?

The Amazon River is much longer. Hadrians Wall, in England, is much shorter.

Attractions in Scotland?

hadrians wall