The nationality of the last name Tschumper is not defined or listed. The origin and meaning of this name is not defined either.
It is unknown which nationality the last name Ketschke originated from. It is possible that the name was altered from its original form.
DiRaimo is an Italian name. However, many Italians emigrated to Puerto Rico so the name is not uncommon on the island. So the Name is of Italian origin, the parson baring the name may or may not be Puerto Rican depending on where they were born.
"What nationality is the name niemetz?"
What is the nationality of the name Maupai?
What nationality of the name marshall
The nationality of the name Cassandra is Greek
The nationality of the name Lorencz is Hungarian.
Nationality for the last name Mackin
Nationality for the last name DAYUS
The name Rebecka is of Swedish origin.
what nationality is the name Younes
The nationality of the last name Tyrell is from Scotland. Or If your looking for the nationality of Tyrrell... It"s nationality is English or maybe Irish!
It is an English-language name and doesn't have a nationality.