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1983, 1994, and 2005 all had the same calendar as 2011.

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Q: What past calendar year is the same as 2011?
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What calendar is 2011 the same as?

1983, 1994, and 2005 have the same calendar as 2011. As of 2018, the next year to have the same calendar as 2011 is 2022.

What is the next calendar year to be the same as 2011?

The next year with the same calendar as 2011 will be 2022. Both 2011 and 2022 share the same days of the week for each date.

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The calendar for 2009 was the same as 2015

What past year calandar matches 2011 calandar?

The same calendar as 2011 was used in 1983, 1994, 2005, and many other years. Any year having the same number of days as 2011 (365 days) and starting on the same day of the week (January 1 on Saturday) can use the same calendar.

What past calendar year is the same as 2014?

2003 was the last year before 2014 that had the same calendar. Before that there was 1997 and 1986.

What is the previous year to have the same calendar as 2011?

2005 was the last year before 2011 to have the same day/date combination.

What calendar year is the same as 2011?

1983, 1994, and 2005 calendars correspond to 2011. As of 2018, the next year to be the same as 2011 is 2022.

What calendar year is the same as 1977?

2011, 2005, 1994, 1983 were past years after 1997 with the same calendar. The next few until the end of the 21st Century will be 2022, 2033, 2039, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2078, 2098 and 2095.

What past years will have the same calendar as the year 2009?

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When did a past calendar year match with 2014?

2003... Even the date of Easter is the same.

When will the same calendar year happen again as 1955?

The same calendar year as 1955 will happen again in 2061.

What calendar year is the same as 2005?

The last year which had the same day-date configuration as 2005 was 2011, and the next year which will be identical to 2005 will be the year 2022.