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the black plague

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Leilani Cremin

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Q: What problems did people face in medieval times?
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The Face. In medieval times, the target would be painted as an enemy's face.

What problems did medieval towns face how did the medieval europeans attempt to deal with the problems and how did an independent judiciary and common law in England help to protect indivisual rights?

This question is impossible to answer since you ask four or five questions in one. Break it down and rewrite what you want to know. As it is I can't answer it.Its only 3. 1. What problems did medieval towns face? 2. How did the medieval europeans attempt to deal with the problems? 3. How did an independent judiciary and common law in England help to protect indivisual rights?

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In the medieval times, africans were usually faced with things like slavery. There were HUGE droughts, also. Many societies were put in a hole for a decade because of the gold amount.

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Problems people face are: Cancer, Diabetes, Down syndrome, Mental breakdown, etc

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In the medieval times, africans were usually faced with things like slavery. There were HUGE droughts, also. Many societies were put in a hole for a decade because of the gold amount.

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Mean people.

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The same physical problems other people face, however some have liver problems, heart problems, kidney and lung issues

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Having a baby face will not cause problems in college. To the contrary, there are people who are attracted to others who have a baby face.