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people died

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Q: What was cool thingS that people did in the 1700s?
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How were basket helpful to people in the 1700s?

Becuase they carry things

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they wore things like woven cloth.

How did people in the 1700's do their laundry?

The 1700s was an important era. they did things like sew.

What are cool things to make?

Cool things are extraordinary things that people appreciate. A customized birthday cake is just but an example.

Why you are keeping things in the fridge?

people keep things in the to keep things cool

How do people dress up?

emo people dress with black cool cadenas and other cool things EMO PEOPLE DRESS UP REALLY COOL!!!!!!

What are tre cool quotes?

Tre Cool quotes are things that people named Tre Cool might have said.

What did people look like in the 1700s in Connecticut look like?

Try googling "1700s people"

Do people think Pikachu is cute?

COOL people do or people who have good taste in things

How do you do cool things on the moshi monsters forum?

People will comment on your discussions if you do cool things like tell Moshling Codes and cheats etc.

What kind of clothes does cool people wear?

things that are in style

What were the differences of the education rich people in the 1700s compared to the slaves in the 1700s?
