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Q: What was the largest of the early American civilizations?
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What was the largest early American civilization?

The Incas had the largest empire in early American civilizations.

Which early American civilizations was largely nomadic?


Which of early American civilizations was largely nomadic?


What ancient civilizations as well as early american civilizations could be labeled as theocratic and why?


Great early American civilizations built large cities?

Mayan and Aztec civilizations of Central and South America

What advances did early civilizations in the Americas make?

The Native American civilizations such as the Mayan & Aztec are known for their very accurate calendars.

Which two early American civilization develeped Mexico?

Aztec and Mayan civilizations did

Great early American civilizations built large cities where?

Many of the most successful great early American civilizations built large cities along water. Typically these cities were built along the Atlantic Ocean.

What body of water isolated early American civilizations from Europe?

Atlantic ocean

Why did many early American civilizations build ptramids?

To honor their rulers and please their gods

What was the largest of the early American civilations?


The development of a 365-day calendar shows that some early American civilizations understood which concept?
