There were three different assemblies.
These were the
Executive branch,
legislative branch,
and the judicial branch.
the executive branch supervised the senate , (from the legislative branch,) and ordered the roman army around during battles. other members of this branch include tax collectors, mayors, city police, and other people in position of power.
the legislative branchs' most powerful part was the senate. the senate was a group of around 300 men who owned the land. they told consuls, (from the executive branch,) what the could spend money on. so, in short form, they were in charge of the money.
the judicial branch had 6 judges elected every two years. they decided punishments for criminals, if they were persuaded that he/she was guilty. they have similar jobs to judges today.
Noooooo that is for the U.S. not Rome!!!!!!!!!! I should no, I'm doing a unit on it right now!
In the days of the Republic, the assemblies were the supreme power. They were made up of all the citizens of Rome and divided by tribes. The Plebeian assembly elected the Quaestors and the patrician Curule Adile. The ward assembly, in which the citizens were divided on the basis of age and wealth as well as citizenship elected the Praetors, Censors and the Counsuls.
The assembly were superior powers only nominally In reality the supreme power were the consuls, the military tribunes with consular power and the dictators. Over time their power was reduced through the increase in the power of the senate and not by the status of the assemblies.
The 'higher' assembly was that of the soldiers (comitia centuriata), which elected the higher (public officials) magistrates (consuls, praetors and censors), granted imperium (power command the army) to consuls and praetors, censorial authority (potestate censoria) to the censors, ratified the result of the census, voted on declaring war, and acted as court of appeal in cases involving capital punishment. Its voting system was heavily weighted in favour of the wealthy, the richer peasant-proprietors and old men.
The tribal assembly (comitia tributa) which had replaced the assembly of the people and was organised territorially, was a 'lower' and elected the military tribunes with consular power and the lower magistrates (quaestors and curule aediles) and acted as courts in lower judicial cases until Sulla transferred this to jury courts in 82 BC.
The plebeian council was formed during the plebeian rebellion of the first secession. The plebeian movement also created their leaders, the plebeian tribunes (tribuni plebis) who presided the council and created two assistants, the aediles plebis. Their legitimacy was recognised by the senate in order to end the rebellion, but they were were not recognised as magistrates (public officials). Still, they had the power to veto(provocatio) decisions by magistrates thy deemed to be against the interest of the plebeians (provocatio ad populum). The plebeian council also voted on matters that concerned the plebeians (plebiscite) but they applied only to them. In a 449 BC modification of the Lex Valeria, the plebiscites acquired the force of law and applied to all Romans. Further laws eroded and then ended the senate's power to approve (or disapprove) plebiscites , ending the its power to thwart plebiscites.
Rome had three popular assemblies. During the Roman Republic the assembly of the soldiers (comitia centuriata) elected the senior officers of state (the consuls, the praetors and the censors) voted on peace or war, and acted as a court of appeal for capital punishment cases. The assembly of the tribes (comitia tributa) elected the junior officers of state (the aediles and the quaestors) and acted as a court appeal for other cases. The function as court of appeal of these two assemblies was repealed by Lucius Cornelius Sulla in 82 BC, who transferred it to a special jury (quaestiones perpetuae). Over time the plebeian council (concilium plebis) which had been formed during the Early Republic, became the main body for voting on bills. It is not clear how this voting on bills was distributed between the two other assemblies before this.
There was also another popular assembly, the assembly of the curiae (comitia curiata). It was created by Romulus, the first king of Rome, who divided Rome into thirty constituencies. It elected the new king after the candidate was selected by the senate. It is not clear whether it also voted on other matters. Over time this assembly fell into insignificance. The assembly of the soldiers and the assembly of the tribes were created by Servius Tullius, the 6th king of Rome, in the 6th century BC.
Under the rule by emperors the popular assemblies did not do any voting. The officers of states became appointees of the emperor and laws because imperial edicts.
Consuls,Senate and assembly
Roman confederation
Any male citizen could participate in the public assembly, while senators had to be appointed by consuls.
Chance played a big role in Roman battles.
Audrey Hepburn played the lead, female role.
Under Roman Kingdom it was called the curiate assembly Under the Roman Republic there was the centuriate assembly and the tribal assembly - the centuriate assembly probably the more prominent one here
AChicken in a hat
roman is all about fishing fishin and more fishing and greek is about watching movies and more movies
the assembly of tribes, the senate and assembly of centuries
Please be more specif. What was the role of the fall of the Roman Empire in what?
The role of the assemblies in the Roman republic were to create laws and elect the officials of the republic.
the Celts wore checkered clothes and thay made it themselfs i know that because i had a Roman assembly and i was a Roman
Consuls,Senate and assembly
Consuls,Senate and assembly
i don't
The Tribal Assembly in the early Roman Republic was the democratic assembly of Roman citizens that dealt with the judicial, executive, and legislative matters. It used a form of direct democracy based on citizens, instead of electors, casting votes on matters under a magistrate for their own tribe.