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Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson Bay.

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Q: Which explorer discovered Hudson bay in 1610?
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When did Sebastian Cabot discover Hudson Bay?

It was discovered in 1610it was discovered in 1610 around June

Large name bay after the explorer of the same name?

Hudson Bay - named after Henry Hudson, who explored the bay in 1610 on his ship the Discovery.

Who discovered Hudson Bay in 1610?

Henry Hudson. He thought that it was the northern passage to the Pacific Ocean that he had been ordered to explore. Local Indian tribes had told them that there was an ocean on the other side of the Bay, but it turned out that they had mistaken the Great Lakes for the ocean.

How Henry Hudson discovered Hudson Bay?

He discovered it in 1610.1610On his final voyage to North America, Henry Hudson sailed into Hudson Bay on August 2, 1610.(After exploring the bay, he found his ship blocked by ice and was trapped there until the sping of 1611. His crew mutinied and Hudson, his son, and some men were set adrift in a small boat. None were ever seen again.)

What is Henry Hudson's Life and career?

He was an English explorer who discovered Hudson bay and many other places.

Who founded the Hudson Bay?

The first European to discover the Hudson Bay was Henry Hudson in the year 1610. The bay is named after him.

Who was Hudson Bay named after?

Henry Hudson, an explorer who did 4 journeys and explore red the Hudson Bay almost halfway before he was mutinied.HenryHudson bay was named for Henry Hudson, who was an explorer who explored the Hudson Bay almost halfway before he was mutinied.The Hudson Bay was indeed named after the famous french explorer named Henry Hudson. Henry Hudson was the first person that sailed to what we now call CanadaThis was typed by a 10 year old. That has all A's.HenryHudson bay was named for Henry Hudson, who was an explorer who explored the Hudson Bay almost halfway before he was mutinied.Hudson bay was named for Henry Hudson, who was an explorer who explored the Hudson Bay almost halfway before his crew mutinied.

Who is the Hudson bay named after?

English explorers and colonists named Hudson Bay after Henry Hudson, who explored the bay in 1610 on his ship the Discovery.

Who has Henry Hudson?

Henry Hudson was an explorer who discovered a bay, now called Hudson Bay. And one day, he and some other sailors drifted away and were never seen again.

Large bay named after the explorer of the same name?

It might be Hudson's Bay, named after the explorer Henry Hudson.

Was Henry Hudson?

He was an explorer who explored the Hudson bay.

What did Henry Hudson do in 1590?

He was an Explorer who tried to make his way through a route to aisa. His ship went off course and landed in todays Hudson river. Later in the years after this act, Henry Hudson mysteriously dissapeared.