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Q: Which year did kublai khan found Mongol Dynasty?
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Who was the mongol leader in china during the mongol dynasty?

Kublai Khan

Was there any important people in the mongol dynasty?

the khan family(kublai khan and genghis khan)

Did Kublai khan found the mongol empire?

No, it was Genghis Khan.

Which Mongol leader conquered China and the Song dynasty in 1280?

The Mongol conqueror of China was Kublai Khan.

Founder of the mongol dynasty in china ruling from 1260 to 1294?

Kublai Khan

Who founded the yuan dynasty?

Kublai Khan the grand son of Genghis Khan, from the Mongol Khanates, he ruled from 1271 until 1368. The yuan dynasty preceded the Ming Dynasty. He was also known as the Great Khan.

Who are Genghis and Kublai Khan?

Genghis Khan is the mighty ruler of the Mongol Empire, was very strong. Kublai Khan was Genghis Khan's grandson and he founded the Yuan Dynasty.

What was Kublai Khan was successful in during his time as the Great Khan?

Kublai Khan conquered the last of the Song Dynasty and brought China under Mongol rule.

What was Kublai Khan successful in during his time as the Great Khan?

Kublai Khan conquered the last of the Song Dynasty and brought China under Mongol rule.

The great leader of the Mongol Empire was?

The three most famous mongol rulers or Khans were Kublai Khan, who founded the Yuan Dynasty, Ogedei Khan, who made the most expansive campaigns, and the most famous, Genghis Khan, who started the mongol empire.

Who is Kubai Khan?

There were many Khan's during the earlier period. Ganghis Khan was one such ruler on Mongolian period. Now a days Khan's are found in Bollywood.

Which dynasty did kublai Khan rule?

Kublai Khan founded the Yuan dynasty.