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Q: Who invented the back hip circle?
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What is hip circle?

a back hip circle? a back hip circle is on the bars in gymnastics and is a basic skill that beginning gymnast learn you rotate all the way around the bar look it up on you tube if needed

What do you have to do be on level 3 in gymnastics?

Welll at my gym that I go to does not have a level 3 when I started I started at level 4 then I went to 5 then 6 7 On level four u need a rondoff flip flop an extension roll handstand balk walk over on beam a dismount handstand cartwheel bArs pull over back hip circle front hip circle mil circle back hip circle over shoot vault u need handstand flat back

What is the level 3 routine bars?

straight leg pullover- back hip circle- front leg cut- windmill- back leg cut- straight leg sole circle dismount

Who is bambaat?

bambaat is the guy who invented hip hop (with the african american tribes way back when).

How do you do a back hip circle on bars?

pullover on the low bar so that you end in a front supportpush up on the bar so that it is almost all the way down to your kneesarch your back and fall forwardwhen you are about a quarter of the way down, pike around the barstay piked all the way around the bar and push down on it as hard as you can until you are back up in a front support

Who invented hip hop?

== ==

How do you do a level 5 bar routine?

Glide swing to low bar kip, front hip circle, cast, squat on, jump to high bar, kip, cast, free back hip circle, tap swing, tap swing, turn 180' and drop down

How was hip-hop music invented?

hip hop was invented in japan afrika bambaata invented it in 1977 all that ain't true i made it ALL up :D

Who invented circle theorem?

shail has a big belly shah invented circle theorem

Who sings the hip hop song with the opening lyrics of in a four corner circle I got my back against the wall?

Big tuck on his polar bear album song name back against the wall

How long has hip hop been invented for?

Well hip-hop was invented in the late 70's in New York city. It has been invented for a bit more than 30 years.

Was hip hop invented in 1972?

It Was Invented Some Time Around The 70's