The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
The Roman people hated or disliked the Etruscans because they were their conquerors. Remember the kings of Rome were Etruscan and the Romans finally had enough of their authoritarian actions and drove them out.
I'm assuming you mean the Alexandrians, and they fought the Romans because they did not like them or their tactics. The Alexandrians were an independent, proud people, known for their political activism which many times erupted into riots. They strongly resented Caesar who strutted into their city along with his lictors and troops and then had the nerve to recall Cleopatra from exile. The Alexandrians backed Cleo's brother and resented the fact that Caesar tried to get the siblings to co-rule. He seemed to be meddling in their affairs and when Cleopatra's brother rallied them they were quite willing to try to boot Caesar and his Romans out of their city.
The Romans did not hate the Egyptians. They admired and respected their civilisation. They adopted some Egyptian gods. When Julius Caesars reformed the Roman calendar, witching from a lunar calendar to a solar one, he based his new calendar of work done by the Egyptian.
Egypt was annexed to the Roman Empire as a result of the Last Civil War of the Roman Republic, not out of hatred for the Egyptians. Octavian (later he was called Augustus) fought Mark Antony to become the sole ruler of the empire. Cleopatra VII of Egypt was an ally of Mark Antony. Then the two of them were defeated, Augustus annexed Egypt.
Egypt was an extremely important area of the empire economically. It produced half of the corn of the empire. The city of Rome relied heavily on imports from Egypt to feed its massive population (other important areas for corn were Tunisia, Sicily and Sardinia). Egypt also exported cotton, linen papyrus, ivory, gemstones, ebony, ostrich feathers, leopard skins, lions, leopards and elephants.
Romans did and I beleive the Greeks did too but I'm not positive
First the Egyptians, then Arabs, Ethiopians, Libyans, Macedonians, Romans. As you can see, Egypt was ruled by many groups. However if you want an answer simply between Greeks and Romans, it was the Greeks who were in Egypt as rulers before the Romans.
The Romans were more practical, although this does not amount to saying the the Greeks were not; they certainly were. The Romans were less interested in science and theoretical thinking than the Greeks. They were great engineers and focused on the infrastructural development of their empire.
The Romans have copied the Greeks Architecture, medicine ( kind of in a way) and artwork. You might think about the calendar. I'm not sure about that :I
The Romans.
They were the Greeks, the Romans,and the Latin
I don't see any evidence of this; the Romans executed him and his followers so I think it was the other way around. I don't remember anything about him hating Greeks. ---- A Catholic Answer Jesus was man like us in all things but sin. And we know that to hate anyone is a terrible sin. Therefore, we may be certain that Jesus hated no one. He was no more capable of hating the Romans or Greeks than he was of commiting any other sin.
Romans and Greeks use papyrus to write on.
No, it was the other way around. The Romans conquered the Greeks.
No. The Greeks came about a thousand years before the Romans.
the Greeks did. the Romans worshipped juno
The Romans named the Greeks in Greece.
Juno does not hate Romans: Juno is a goddess of the ancient Romans.
Romans did and I beleive the Greeks did too but I'm not positive