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The senate during the early republican phase was powerful because it was completely ruled by the patrician class which was a group of the most influential, wealthy and descendants of nobility.

During the later stage of the republic the senate was the seat of power because it held th emajority of power as well as land through the use of latifundia. As well as this it organised the armys which held the power in Rome.

During the empire stage the senate had very little actual power. This is because the emperors had slowly taken away those rights and taken the powers for themselves.

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Q: Why was the senate in roman so powerful?
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What was the most powerful governing body in the Roman Republic?

The people that have that kind of power was the senate which at the time had basic control over everything since they did all the voting. except when ceasr was in power he gave himself absolute power over everyone and did everything that he wanted. But when he had been killed his adopted son went into to the leadership roll who was Augustus but he didn't want to make the same mistake his father made so he did what the senate wanted him to do which made them give him complete power but he did not ask for this he just waited for them to give it to him. So yes the senate has all of the power in Rome if you go by this.

What was the most powerful institution in the roman empire?

As the Plebian Assembly came to the point of electing the Tribunes, it became by 339 BC the most powerful element in the ancient Roman republic. It is important to note that the Senate at this time was facing a decline in power. As an example of this, the former power of the Senate to veto measures passed by the Assemly was taken away.

What groups made up the general Roman society?

Roman society was divided into the patricians (the aristocracy), the equites (equestrians) who were bankers, money lenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining, and the plebeians (the commoners). there were also slaves and freedmen

Actions by which body resulted in the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire?

The Senate!

What is a Roman Senate?

The Roman senate was a body of ex-magistrates that could be called into session by a magistrate with imperium and was representative of the collective opinion of the office-holding class. The senate had powers of deliberation and advisement and lots of influence, but the leaders did not have to do what they said.

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Who was the most powerful ruling body in ancient Rome?

The Roman Senate .

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A council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city's leaders?

the roman senate

Was Julius Caesar powerful during the roman empire?

Yes, he had probably more power than the senate or equal because he was so popular with the masses.

How do you think the Romans Senate gained power?

the roman senate gained power by making alot of girls pregnant in which they worship him for his 123 in dick.

What was the most powerful body of government in the roman republic?

The Senate is the most powerful hope that helps :)

How is julus Caesar so poweful?

Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.Julius Caesar became so powerful by winning the civil war (which he started) and then being given extreme honors and power by the Roman senate.

Julius Caesar assaination?

His was murdered by the Roman senate because they feared he was going to become a too powerful leader.

A powerful political body that advised roman leaders?

During the monarchy (753-509 BC) and the republic (509-27 BC) the powerful advisory body which advised Roman leaders was the senate. During the rule by emperors (27 BC-476 AD) the senate remained an advisory body, but it became less powerful and it was turned into an instrument for the emperor's rule.

Is the Roman senate the most powerful part of the Roman government?

yes the senate is, to an extent. The actual, most powerful part of the Roman government was the Roman people (during the republic) The senate was a consulting body only. They could not actually pass a law. Laws were passed by the voting assemblies made up of the Roman people. The people also had tribunes who had the power to veto anything the senate proposed. But the senators were clever and could and did pass resolutions which had a similar effect as a law if a tribune didn't veto them. Of course all this political posturing faded away during the principate when the emperor held the supreme power.

What did the Roman Senate do to Julius Caesar?

Some senators thought that Julius Caesar was going to become to powerful and weaken the senate.

Did Roman government have a senate?

Yes, Roman government did in fact have a senate.