ITS WIZARD101'S BIRTHDAY! They celebrated the game's 1-year birthday on September 2nd of 2009!
No. You can not change the appearance of your mount.
jovany Jojo
No, we can't. Only America can. Although we can type in promotion codes but it isn't the same. We hope that team members of Wizard101 will change that though.
I'm sorry but the old answer was not very suitable so please feel free to change this answer if you know it.
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from
click account and click the change birthday
No his birthday will always be march 1, 1994 no one can change their birthday
Wizard101 is for windows. But I believe you could get Wizard101 for Mac.
Contact Wizard101 Support at: via email;;
yes there are cheats for wizard101
Wizard101 is better because their is nothing to do in Club Penguin, in Wizard101 you can fight moonsters and other wizard101 around the globe.