The greeting 'Happy Christmas' may be rendered into Brazilian Portuguese as Boa Natal, or Natal Alegre. But a standard Christmas greeting is Boas Festas. And there's always the traditional greeting of Feliz Natal, from Portugal. Boa = good. Alegre = happy. Feliz = happy, but rendered as Merry. Natal = Christmas. Festas = celebrations, feasts.
You can say "Estou muito feliz" in Brazilian Portuguese.
they just say HAPPY CHRISTMAS
Merry Christmas - Feliz Natal Happy New Year - Feliz Ano Novo Most commonly, we say "Feliz Natal e Próspero Ano Novo", which literaly means "Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year". Another common way to wish Happy Holidays is to say "Boas Festas".
Americans say: "Merry Christmas" and people from England say: "Happy Christmas".
The translated way to to say Happy Christmas in the Malyalam language is "Happy Krismas."
Have a happy holiday! Or have a happy Christmas
Feliz Feriado.
Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo is Happy New Yea not blessed
To say Happy Christmas in Punjabi you simply say "khuśa krisamasa".
Just as in your question !They tend to say "Happy Christmas" instead of "Merry".Merry Christmas
Feliz Feriado.