The shortest driving distance is 23.4 miles.
Ahwatukee Foothills News was created in 1976.
Ahwatukee is pronounced ah-wa-two-key. Not a-wat-oo-key.
Paradise Valley Country Club Ahwatukee Country Club - Ahwatukee (Phoenix)
Ahwatukee ... a city in Arizona.
Ahwatukee, Arizona is a suburb of Phoenix. It is characterized as a village because of it's size. It is 35.8 square miles and has a population of approximately 77,000.
135 miles
He is a famous 6th grader at BASIS Ahwatukee.
The distance from Mesa AZ to Phoenix AZ is around 19 miles.
3 hours
30.4166016 KM From Mesa to Phoenix
Ahwatukee is a surburban residential section in southern Phoenix, Arizona.