As today is January 27, there are 61 days or 8 weeks and 5 days until March 29.
23 weeks and 6 days.
29 days man
115 days from November 29 2010 to March 24 2011.
259 days.
From May 20, 2010, there are 620 days until January 29, 2012.
As today is December 5, 2010 there are 145 days until April 29, 2011.
February: 28 days (common year), 29 days (leap year) March: 31 days.
210. Go to and type in "How many days till Christmas?" without the quotation marks and it will tell you.
As today is January 29, there are 163 days until August 7.
100 days.
It will be 275 more days till Halloween. Yay!!!