77 days until February 7 2011 (from Nov 22 2010).
108 days until February 26 2011 (from Nov 10 2010).
119 days until February 20 2011 from October 24 2010.
253 days
There are 310 days until 12th of feburary. 2011
As today is January 24, 2011 February 13, 2010 was 345 days ago. February 13, 2011 is 20 days away.
AnswerIt is 17 days.
55 days until february 1 2011
As today is January 27, 2010 there are 15 days until February 11, 2010.
Given today's date of August 17, 2010, there are 191 days between today and February 24, 2011.
As of today's date, August 17, 2010, there are 257 days until May 1, 2011.
There are 28 days in February 2011.