Days until June 16th 2010 (from Feb 23) are 113.
As today is January 11, 2010 there are 161 days until June 21, 2010.
From today, Feb 22 2010 until June 4 2010, is 102 days.
From 21 May 2010 until June 7, 2010, there are eighteen days, including the dates given.
185 days from November 29 2010 until June 2 2011.
101 days from March 6 2010 until June 15 2010.
There are 214 days remaining in the year from June 1, 2010.
There are 202 days between November 20, 2010 and June 10, 2011.
There are 177 days between December 28 2010 and June 22 2011.
19 days form today (24/05/2010)
As of the date that question was asked, January 23, 2010, there were 140 days between the two dates.