It depends on when you believe the Exodus to have happened and when you believe that the Last Supper took place. Historians are not certain if either event took place, let alone when they took place. However, most people place roughly 1300 years between the Exodus and the Last Supper.
A:In the synoptic gospels - yes. When Jesus and the disciples celebrated the Passover feast, this would become the Christian Last Supper. After the supper was finished, they sang a hymn (Mark 14:26), as was the practice at the end of the Passover meal. For theological reasons, John's Gospel places the crucifixion on the day of preparation for the Passover - the day before. Jesus did not celebrate the Passover.
The Last Supper
No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.No, passover has to do with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt about a thousand years before the Romans.
It celebrates the life and death of Jesus.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Mass, or the Eucharist, is the means that God has given us to actually witness His Son's Passion and Death on Calvary, and to participate, through Holy Communion, in the graces that Our Blessed Lord makes available to us. It is not "done again", but we are actually present both at the Last Supper and at Our Blessed Lord's Death on Calvary, just as in a Passover Seder, a Jewish man says, "When I came out of Egypt" - the Passover happened thousands of years ago, but when a Jew celebrates the Passover Supper, he is present at the original Passover in Egypt.
The symbolic meaning of the Last Supper is that Christ was showing his disciples how they were to remember him. There were to hold on regular occasions what we now call The Sacrament, done mostly on Sundays. Which included the breaking of bread in remembrance of his body and the drinking of water or unfermented wine in remembrance of the blood he spilt. It is also at this sacred time that we have the opportunity to renew the covenants we have made with him.
A:New Testament scholars have noted that the events described in the synoptic gospels appear to have occurred in the space of less than a year and that the only time Jesus went to Jerusalem, the Passover feast was the evening prior to his crucifixion. On the other hand, John's Gospel clearly spaces the mission of Jesus over three years and in this gospel his third Passover occurred on the evening following his crucifixion.Another Answer:Others have said there were 4 Passovers from the beginning of His ministry to His Crucifixion on Passover Day (Jewish tradition had days beginning at sunset with the night portion coming first). Sir Isacc Newton was a believer in four.If His ministry began in the Autumn of His 30th year - some date this to 27 AD, then the first Passover would come about 5 months into His Ministry which lasted 3 1/2 years. He died at the 4th Passover in 31 AD as our Passover Lamb.
The mission of Jesus that is described in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) appears to have lasted less than one year. In these accounts, Jesus only went to Jerusalem for the Passover on one fateful occasion.In John's Gospel, Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover at least three times, so in this account his mission certainly lasted at least three years.
The importance of Passover is that all the Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years. In the story of Passover God sends 10 plagues down on the Pharaoh and the rest of Egypt, and after the last one, the death of the first born, the Israelites were finally set free.
The following was to be done only on the first Passover - the night of the Exodus from Egypt - not on following years. The Israelites put drops of blood of the Passover sacrifice on the doorposts of their homes and the lintel (the top of the doorway). Exodus ch.12.
It was not a celebration, more of his fulfilling the work his father sent him to do. He sealed this work with his death on the cross, but he also left instuctions that all who believed upon his name should remember him by following the example set at the last supper. We are to eat bread or similar in rememberance of his body which was soon to hang on a cross. We are also to drink water or wine in rememberance of his spilt blood. Last we are to renew the covenants we have made with him.
The first sacrifice for Paysach (Passover) was the year that the Jews left Egypt.