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before midnight on Dec31st and after midnight on Jan 1st 2 sets of twins. 1 twin of 1 pair born on, let's say March 21, 2000. And another twin in a different pair bornon, let's say November 2, 1998

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Q: If 2 twins were born on different year different days how can this be possible?
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Do twins have the same birthday?

Yes, almost always. If the birth happens near midnight then it would be possible for twins to be born on different days.

Do twins have to have the same age and birthday?

Twins are typically born on the same day, but it is possible for them to be born on different days. Even if born a few minutes apart, they are still considered twins. The term "twins" refers to two individuals born from the same pregnancy.

If a mother delivers twins on separate days like one of them delivers at 11 58 and the other at about 12 00 does it make them still twins even though they were born on different days?

Obviously biologically they're still twins, but I suppose they'll both have different birthdays.

Can twins be different ages?

Theoretically, yes. Twins are usually born at least a few minutes apart, sometimes an hour or two apart. It is rarely possible for delivery of twins to be spaced out even more than that. If a woman delivered one twin shortly before midnight and the another twin shortly after midnight, then the two twins would be born in different days and actually have different birthdays--so they would be 1 day apart in age. Twins are different ages in every case. However, the question is by what time difference. In other words, one minute, two minutes, ten minutes. Still, you will not find them separated by much more in most cases. Twins develop within the the same pregnancy.

How can they not be twins but they have the same last name same parents and same address?

Maybe they were born on different days or if those were the same, one could have been adopted... Maybe they were born on different days or if those were the same, one could have been adopted... Maybe they were born on different days or if those were the same, one could have been adopted...

What is the answer to this riddle there are too indentical twins one is 20 and the other is 22 why?

the first one is born before him/her 2 hours but different days

Can a cow have twins 4 days apart?

It's possible, but a very rare coincidence.

What is the reason why my twins are one day apart?

Twins born on different days can happen when the labor starts close to midnight and one twin is born just before midnight while the other is born shortly after, after the date changes. This can also occur if the twins are born in different time zones or in cases of induced labor that lasts past midnight.

If one twin is born at midnight and the other is a minute later On there birth papers will they the same day of birth?

I don't think so because they actually were born on different days. I read a newspaper once and a pair of twins were born in different decades!

Can you have month apart twins?

It's very unlikely. The most that can happen is one twin is born vaginally and the other is born by c-section a few minutes later or both are born vaginally but are born with some time in between. I have a friend who has twins born on different days because baby a was born at 11:40pm and baby b was born at 12:10 am.

Can dizygotic fraternal twins be conceived a week apart?

I think so. My twins are three days apart according to every ultrasound so far. It seems perfectly reasonable that they could be up to a week apart especially considering that is about how long strong sperms keep on working within the right environment. I am not a Dr., but my guess would be it must be possible. Take care While it is possible for non-identical (dizygotic/2-eggs) twins to be conceived apart (and by different fathers!), it's generally not the case. An ultrasound showing twins differing in age by 3 days is not significant given the margin of error for ultrasound technology. Just like most adults are different sizes, so too are babies in utero owing to genetic and environmental factors.

How far apart can twins be born?

There are one set of twins that were born 87 days apart. One baby was born on June 1, 2012. The next baby was born on August 26, 2012.