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Q: Put a sheet over your head and you can be for Halloween?
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How do you make a headless Halloween costume?

Put a bucket on your head and put a sheet over it so it looks like you are tall and headless. Make sure you can see though.

How do you make a headless costume?

Put a bucket on your head and put a sheet over it so it looks like you are tall and headless. Make sure you can see though.

How do you make a girl's ghost Halloween costume?

I think a good idea is to find a long gray or white dress and rip it up a little bit. Or you could take a sheet, cut a head-sized hole in it and put it over your head, then cut armholes and use a cute but gothic belt. A white veil would be cool, too. And don't forget the makeup!

How do you put on a exercise sheet?

if its a wrap-around you put it over the horses rump and then wrap it around your legs. If Its a normal exercise sheet you simply put it under your horses saddlecloth

Tell me something of yours that you could put on your pets head to make it look like you for Halloween?

Your Hat Mask

Can you put a glass roof over a fish tank?

yes you can put a glass sheet over the top of a tank to act as a lid.

Where to put deferred tax assets in the balance sheet?

Defferred tax asset is shown in assets side of balance sheet under head of other assets.

How do you short sheet?

When making a bed, you put on the first sheet as normal. (The fitted sheet) The second sheet needs to be tucked in at the head so it is secured to the mattress, and gives the appearance of the lower sheet. Now, the top sheet, after tucking it in, is spread out covering the bed like normal, but now, pull the foot of the sheet back up to the head so that the sheet is actually "folded" in half. Place the blanket on like normal, tucking it in at the foot, and then fold the top sheet over the blanket and tuck it in to "look" like a normally made bed. Then follow up with the comforter. When the victim tries to get into the bed, the short-sheet will stop them at the middle, hence "Short Sheeted"! Have fun!

What is the best costume for make cheaply for an over sized male?

a giant cookie.. take a brown sheet and make dots on it with permantent marker then cut a hole in it and put it over his head. and make sure you make a hat too...

How do you put a harness on a iguana?

Put it over its head and then under his legs

How do you build a fort out of two mattress?

well first you can put the mattress's together in a slanted way then put a sheet over it

When it is Halloween on animal crossing lets go to the city and your head has been turned into a pumpkin does the pumpkin head last forever?

You can take it off anytime. Just put something else on. The pumpkin head is just an accessory.