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I believe in Santa. If you believe, that's great. If you don't, that's OK

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Related questions

What does Santa Claus look like in Alaska?

Santa Claus looks the same in Alaska as he does in the other 49 states.

What does Santa Claus look like in Ukraine?

samta looks like a person with a wite brid and wite hair and that is what santa looks like

What does the second spirit in the novella A Christmas Carol look like?

It looks like Santa Claus

What does the Spanish Santa Claus look like?

In Spain, children typically receive gifts from the Magi on January 6th rather than from a Santa Claus figure. However, the modern Santa Claus is also recognized in Spain, often depicted similarly to how he is in other countries with a red suit and white beard.

What does Santa Claus look like in Italy?

There is no Santa Claus in Italy, they have somebody else, I just don't remember what!

Is Kevin Bacon the Santa Claus in the Chevy commercials?

no, it looks more like kevin kline

In Germany what does santa look like?

Santa Claus always looks the same in every country!

What does Santa look like on clubpenguin?

Well, he looks like... red hat, red suit, boots, beard, and possibly a bell. Like a the real Santa Claus.

Where in the world is Santa Claus called by the name Kanakaloka?

Santa Claus is called by the name Kanakaloka in Hawaii. Despite the different name, Kanakaloka looks like the traditional idea of Santa Claus. He wears a red and white suit, black boots and has a full white beard.Hawaii

What language does the word Santa Claus come from?

The word "Santa Claus" comes from the Dutch term "Sinterklaas," which is a shortened form of Sint Nikolaas, meaning Saint Nicholas.

Does Santa Claus like soccer?

Of course! Santa Claus absolutely loves soccer! Santa loves everything kids like!

What does President Snow look like?

Well. I don't want to be rude or anything, but he looks like Santa Claus, without the clothing.