The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.
August 15th is a month and the month is August
August is the 8th month.
Yes, August is the 8th month of the year.
8th month.
August is the 8th month of a year of the Gregorian calendar.
England is north of the equator; August is a summer month. Australia is SOUTH of the equator, and August is a winter month there.
The month of August honors Caesar Augustus.
The duration of Our Beloved Month of August is 2.45 hours.
The month after July is August.