Here's one, "There a spider on your head!" They'll fall for it!
Here's another one, While there asleep get out a feather and some shaving cream. First, put the shaving cream on the hand. Second, tickle them with the feather on the nose. They will slap their nose and will be surprised to see shaving cream on their face! Finally, they will come to their senses! ^^
April fools!!
You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.
Yes,you can say after april fools.
"April Fools Day" or "All Fools Day" falls on the 1st of April every year.
April fools was first developed by April F. Ules, who is also responsible with creating Valentine's Day and Veteran's Day. April Fools was his baby, though.
In 2011 April Fools Day falls on a Friday
April fools day is in April. April is in Spring.
It lasts the whole day in Canada. Some people say this is not true , but April fools is ALL DAY!
April Fools' Day in 2011 is on Friday, April 1.
I guess it does as its April Fools Day (All Fools Day)
no... April Fools it is
in 1846 April fools was established