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The first mistake you made is the Bride & Groom should be introduced FIRST as Mr. & Mrs. ___________. Then welcome the guests for sharing in this great event of two wonderful people. Here are rules of the MC: * No foul language * No crude jokes (not everyone has the same sense of humor.) * If it's the Bride or Groom that you know think of one or two cute, funny stories about them and the end of your story give a good compliment to either the Bride or Groom and then ask the guests to raise their glasses in honor of the Bride & Groom and wish them the very best for the future. * NEVER make reference to 'hopefully you will have many children' as in these modern times some couples prefer not to have children. Leave that to the family to bug them about it.

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Q: What are some of the things MC is permitted to say after welcome has been extended to the guests at a wedding reception ceremony?
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