Christmas magic
he has speical magic so he can go through.Santa claus goes up the chimney by taking a match and putting on a fire in the chimney.
he steps over thefire
No they dont. Santa is 100%real.
Because most people's alarm systems are not wired to the chimney and the motion sensors are off at night.
Hes magical the world may never know!
Santa Claus goes down the chimney and puts presents under your tree! Merry Christmas!
He's magic. You don't need to have a chimney for Santa to go in.He can leave you presents even if you are in a cardboard box.So don't worry.Santa will always be there!
This is a good question asked by many, Santa Claus gets down the chimney by taking a special type of drink called, 'Santaid' which shrinks him to half his size so he can easily fit down the chimney and deliver the presents. Then he looks up the chimney and Rudolph pulls him up. Then when hes back on the roof he takes a different type of drink called 'Extreme-grow' to take him back to his normal size. LOL
Well santa can't get into your house becuase he always gets stuck down the chimney but now he can get into your house becuase he has invented a magic key for eveyones house. So he can go in and out of your house without getting stuck!
No even if you live in an apartment, he still has a magic key that allows him to go into any house without a chimney.
an umbrella