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Easter 2009 was on 12 April. Interesting additional information is that the earliest possible day for easter is 22 March and the latest possible 25 April.

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Q: What day did Easter fall on in the year 2009?
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What day will Easter fall on in 2017?

Easter will fall on Sunday, April 16th in 2017.

When is Easter weekend 2009?

According to the website easter.newarchaeology, Easter Sunday 2009 will fall on Sunday 12th April 2009. This site has a lot of info on Easter, including Easter dates up to and including the year 2030, for those who like to plan their bank holidays well in advance.Easter day falls on the first Sunday on or after the first full moon after the Spring (Vernal) Equinox.This was decided in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea, a group of clergymen.Because of this rule, Easter Day can fall as early as the 22nd of March and as late as the 25th of April.Easter won't be as early as it was in 2008 (24th April) until the year 2160 and was last this early in 1913.The next really late Easter Day will be 24th April 2011, so we might have decent weather for that one!! (N.B. There is always decent weather for Easter in Australia...)

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