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Q: What day of the week was feb 10 1993?
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What day of the week was Feb 10 1969?

It was a Monday.

What day of the week was feb 10 1959?


What day of the week was Feb 10 1971?

Absolutely it is wednesday

What day of the week was August 10 1993?

August 10, 1993, was a Tuesday.

What day of the week was 10th Feb 1973?

February 10, 1973, was a Saturday.

What day of the week was Feb 8th 1910?

February 10 1910 was on a Tuesday.

What day of the week was October 10 1993?

October 10, 1993 fell on a Sunday.

What day of the week was June 10 1993?

June 10, 1993 fell on a Thursday.

What day of the week did Feb 10 1958 fall on?

The 10th of February 1958 was a Monday.

What day of the week was September 10 1993?


Why celebrate rose day?

Rose Day, which falls on February 7, marks the begininning of a weeks' worth of Valentine's celebrations across the world. In the United States, we traditionally celebrate one day, Valentine's Day. In other countries, they celebrate the entire week, with each day of the week representing something different. Feb. 7 - Rose Day Feb. 8 - Propose Day Feb. 9 - Chocolate Day Feb. 10 - Teddy Day Feb. 11 - Promise Day Feb. 12 - Hug Day Feb. 13 - Kiss Day Feb. 14 - Valentine Day

What day of the week was December 10 1993?

December 10th, 1993 fell on a Friday.