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Valentine of Rome was a priest, possibly a bishop, in the early Church.

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Who is St. Valentine's Day named after?

It is named after St. Valentine.

When and what was the St Valentine's Day Massacre?

st valentine's day 1929.

What is another name of St. Valentine?

Valentinus is his Latin name. That is what he would have been called when he was still living.

What is Valentine's name?

Valentine was St. Valentine's real name.

How is St. Valentine important to Valentine's Day?

If there had been no St. Valentine there would have been no Valentine Day. February 14 was his feast day.

When is St. Valentine's feast day?

The feast day of St. Valentine of Rome is on February 14, Valentine's Day.

Who was in St. Valentine's family?

Little is known about St. Valentine, including his family.

What was St. Valentine's occupation?

St. Valentine of Rome was a priest, possibly a bishop.

What is valentine's day named after?

St Valentine

Who is the originator of valentine?

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When is st valentine celebrated?

The feast of St. Valentine of Rome is celebrated on February 14.

Where was St. Valentine born?

St. Valentine of Rome was born in Rome to the best of our knowledge.