I'm guessing you mean what is the charge against the inmate? If you know what agency made the arrest you can search the inmate records online for free and usually they will have the charges pending on the inmate.
Please be more specific?Do you mean "pros" as in Professionals, or "pros" as in Pros and Cons?
PROM in medical terms means premature rupture of membranes.
Pending Federal case. Or, Feds have some sort of interest in the inmate.
I know right
The letters in front of an inmate number typically represent the facility or location where the inmate is housed. These letters help staff easily identify where the inmate is located within the prison system.
It means he did those things.
On fantage pd means PROM DATE. (btw: i need a prom date im on fantage jesse5008)
Yes They Are Pros
The sent date on an inmate profile typically refers to the date when the inmate was sentenced for the crime they were convicted of. It is an important piece of information as it indicates when the inmate began serving their sentence.
promenade See the Dictionary.com link below for definitions. In motor vehicle terminology, PROM is Programmable Read Only Memory.
it means that the girl that was crowned prom queen was voted the prettiest or most beautiful for senior (12th grade) year