Celebrate your birthday
Do something they enjoy with them. :] If they don't celebrate their birthday, it doesn't mean you can't shower them with love like you would anyone else! Even if its something simple like renting their favorite movie, or sending them an a funny e-mail.
well it can mean different things like lets do IT can mean lets have sex or it can mean lets go do something important it depend on the way you say it its kind of confusing .
"My nieces celebrate their birthday today."
you can still celebrate your birthday on ash Wednesday provided that you did not mean to destroy the real meaning of the ash Wednesday.
when 6 years past that mean it is the most important day of the queens birthday
Because everyone was born on a day (hence the name birthday) and that is the day they were born on amd when their life started. Its not possible for someone in this world not to have a birthday, is it? Because that would mean they were never born! We celebrate them because its the day we came into this world. Hope it helped!
It means to observe an event or occasion with a party or other social get together. Such as to celebrate your birthday with a party.
It mean that you are saying Happy Birthday to someone earlier that their birthday
'Let's gave a do' is a British expression meaning 'let's have a party!' For example: 'You're engaged? Let's have a do to celebrate!'
Definately in. I mean Mc Donalds!!?! U cant be serious but its nice of u.
if you mean for ex. a Muslim have a non Muslim friend whose celebrating his birthday and that Muslim is invited,so yes he can ithink