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Q: What does santa carry his presents in that's starts with a s?
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Why do elves help Santa?

Because they enjoy it. Santa needs help to create & wrap presents. thats why he has 1000 elves. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

What rhymes with Santa that starts with a?

anta! (thats what scinents call ants that are aunts)

Are elf's on the shelf good?

it depends if you celebrate christmas it is believed to bring extra presents from santa clause thats because he is an elf and he makes toys

What Thanksgiving word starts with s?

Seasons,Stuffing,Serve,SettlersAnd ThatS All I Got Now U Thinkk

Why does santa arrive at that point in Narnia?

Because thats when aslan returns and starts to break the spell of winter. So that normality is restored. And the wicthes magic starts to wear off.

What does the Santa in Denmark look like?

Like the same santa thats every are you dumb or something everybody has the same dang santa. What made ask that question thats so stupid.

Are there Santa Claus?

No santa cluas is not real it is a made up guy in christmas your parents buy your presents and you think santa cluas droped the presents for you! but no !How cuold he go to every countery in every in night in crhsytmas how can he to that so that mean is is fack a made up man for kids that man has a big whight beard and a red nose with a red suit a big black boots with a fack sleight ok thats all i can say! so that mean so santa claus is not real!

What does Santa bring kids in Ireland?

Whatever the kids wish for, except if they have been naughty. As usual, naughty kids get a lump of coal as the story goes. Like most places around the world, Santa brings gifts of what the kids want, and not just some generic gift for the whole country.

How does Santa fly his sleigh if reindeer aren't real?

riendeers are real its santa and his sleigh thats not real

What is Santa's favorite type of dog?

he molests puppies so thats why you never get to see him.

Why do people put presents under a Christmas tree?

People put presents under the Christmas tree to celebrate the festivity of Christmas. All of the children think Santa has come to their house and have given them presents. Of course, the tree seems like the most obvious to put presents.

What is the size of Mission Santa Clara?

the size of the mission santa clara is i dont know thats what im trying to figure out