Kwanzaa comes from a Swahili phrase 'matunda ya kwanza'. An additional 'a' was added to Kwanza so the word would have the same number of letters as there were for the Principles of 'Nguzu Saba' of Blackness.
For Kwanzaa, kinara is the word for menorah.
The pronoun "you" is the subject in the sentence "Do you know the origin and customs of Kwanzaa?"Specifically, the subject directs the action of the verb "know." The direct objects are "the origin and customs." They are the recipients of the action of the verb in a sentence.
what does the word mean collective work and responsibilityin terms of Kwanzaa
Kwanzaa is a jewish word and the Jewish language has different laws then the english language. so in Jewish this is how to spell the word kwaszaa.
its about love kindness being sweet not rude thankfulness and love
Kwanzaa is the name of an African-American holiday that began in 1966. According to the creator of the holiday, Karenga, the name "Kwanzaa" derives from the Swahili phrase matunda ya kwanza, meaning "first fruits of the harvest", although a more conventional translation would simply be "first fruits. The word "kwanzaa" itself resembles Swahili but is not an actual Swahili word.
Panza its a spanish word it means belly
Kwanzaa is an African-American festival relative to culture. Kwanzaa is celebrated usually between December 26th to January 1st where families in the community celebrate their culture.
The word may come from an Arabic word meaning "caller" or "announcer."