I'm unable to provide an exact date as it depends on the current date. You can calculate the date six months from today by adding 6 months to the current date.
December 4 + 3 months = March 6.
Well... if I use today's date (because I do not know when you posted your question) of Nov 19, 2011 than the date in 3 month's and 28 days time will be.... nov 19 +28 days = Dec 17th + 3 months = March 17th, 2012.
As of July 21, 2010, the date 25 months ago today was June 21, 2008.
Three months from today's date (28 March 2013) will be 28 June 2013.
November 22, 2017
Today's Date - 3.
49 weeks ago was approximately 11 months and 3 weeks ago from today.
There are 254 days between today and September 3, 2011. That's 8 months and 11 days.
The question was asked (making "today") 7 February 2014; 6 months later is 7 August 2014.
in 3 months
24 February