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Every family is different. Therefore, no specific day or schedule is set for when to decorate your tree. Some people will choose to go with family tradition, others choose a random day where they have everyone together, while others decorate the tree on Christmas Eve day. The only commonality is that most people wait until after Thanksgiving.

Here are suggestions and ideas from our users:

  • It depends on your family, country and your unique tradition. I like to put my tree up on the 1st day of December.
  • We put it up on December 6, because that is the day of Saint Nicholas "Santa Claus" because he died on that day. In our family it has an extra meaning because our great-grandfather, who immigrated from Italy to Brazil was born on that day 6 Dec 1871. His middle name Nicolo in honor of San Nicolo or Saint Nicholas.
  • After Thanksgiving, but before Christmas. I put mine up during the 2nd week of December and take it down the day after Xmas.
  • You put up your Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. This way you are celebrating for the birth of Jesus for a maximum period. You are preparing and showing respect and love for Him.
  • The day after Thanksgiving is when stores put up their displays and decorations so they can maximize their advertising for Christmas. You should put them up whenever you like.
  • Whenever you want to put your tree up. But I would say not before Thanksgiving. Or even wait until a few days into December before putting it up.
  • This one is really a preference, but I usually start the ritual of finding a tree in the first week of December. I like to wait until at least the month when Christmas actually occurs. All in all, it's completely what you prefer.
  • I don't know of any "traditional" date. I know that in my family, and in many of the homes in my community, Thanksgiving weekend is the traditional time to "deck the halls." However, every family is different. I have known people who don't decorate until the week of Christmas (especially if they use a live tree); and this year, a family down the street has just erected their holiday lawn display, and it's still 11 days until Thanksgiving!
  • My whole life my family have followed the tradition of 12 days before Christmas, putting the tree up on 13 December and taking the tree down 12 days after Christmas.
  • I have always put the tree up on December 13, much to the kids' dismay; this has always been our family tradition following the 12 days of Christmas.
  • I put it up a week before Christmas and a week after Christmas I take it down.
  • My family would always put their tree up the day after Thanksgiving. However, I decided that, since it is so painstaking, I am putting it up today November 10th so I can have more time to appreciate all the work I put into it. we will take it down during the week after Christmas.
  • Of course, you put it up and take it down as you like. But consider a little history. The period of time beginning with the 4th Sunday before Christmas is known as Advent, a somewhat penitential and solemn season, like unto if not quite as austere as Lent, the season before Easter. The real time of celebration historically began on December the 25th, the First Day of the Christmas Season. In keeping with this tradition up until about 60 years ago most families trimmed the tree as a Christmas Eve tradition. It was certainly that way for my parents and even my older brothers as children. The 12 Days of Christmas are a time of celebration that goes from Dec. 25 till January 5 (also known as "12th Night") when great parties would be held to close out the Christmas festivities prior to the celebration of Epiphany on January 6th (sometimes known as "little Christmas"). In keeping with this more ancient and festive tradition, we strive to put our tree up as close to Christmas as we can, and leave it up the full 12 days of the celebration, while most folks start stripping off their decorations on 12/26, when Christmas is just getting started. This is due to the fact that, since the latter half of the 20th century, commercialism has pushed Christmas into September, when the first inflatable Santa's appear in the aisles of Walmart. No wonder many people are sick of it and happy to move on by 12/26. It is a pity that the old ways are so easily lost and forgotten in the rush to "get stuff."
  • As an Aussie, I usually put my tree up over the first weekend of December, and take it down on New Year's Day.
  • At about 1 week before Christmas
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weekend after Thanksgiving.

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Q: When should you put up your Christmas tree?
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When are you supposed to put your Christmas tree up?

You should put your tree up either after Thanksgiving or a week before Christmas!!! It is actually your choice. TEEHEE (^-^) Your welcome!!!!!

Why should you put the Christmas tree up?

It's just a tradition, you are not required to put up a tree if you don't want to.

According to European tradition when should you put up your Christmas tree?

Christmas Eve

In what month should you put your Christmas tree up?

That would be December.

When should you put your Christmas tree up in England?

You usuallly put it up 12 days before Christmas and leave it up for 12 days after. But you don't have to.

What does Americans do to celebrate Christmas?

Americans put a Christmas tree up and put stockings up and put gifts under the tree

When should you put up a live Christmas tree?

It is typically best to put up a live Christmas tree a few weeks before Christmas, around the end of November or early December. This allows you to enjoy the tree throughout the holiday season without it drying out or shedding too much by Christmas Day.

According to tradition what day should you put your christmas tree up?

Traditionally it is the 23rd December, Christmas Eve.

When to set up a Christmas tree in 2010?

You should put it about the beginning or middle of December.

Who was the first president to put up a Christmas tree?

Franklin Pierce had the first Christmas tree put up in the White House.

When should you put your x mas tree up?

Well In Ireland And The UK We Put Up Our Christmas Tree On The 8th Of December And Leave It Up Untill The 6th Of January :)

Do Russians put up a tree on Christmas?

Some Russians do put up trees for Christmas.