Every family is different. Therefore, no specific day or schedule is set for when to decorate your tree. Some people will choose to go with family tradition, others choose a random day where they have everyone together, while others decorate the tree on Christmas Eve day. The only commonality is that most people wait until after Thanksgiving.
Here are suggestions and ideas from our users:
You should put your tree up either after Thanksgiving or a week before Christmas!!! It is actually your choice. TEEHEE (^-^) Your welcome!!!!!
It's just a tradition, you are not required to put up a tree if you don't want to.
Christmas Eve
That would be December.
You usuallly put it up 12 days before Christmas and leave it up for 12 days after. But you don't have to.
Americans put a Christmas tree up and put stockings up and put gifts under the tree
It is typically best to put up a live Christmas tree a few weeks before Christmas, around the end of November or early December. This allows you to enjoy the tree throughout the holiday season without it drying out or shedding too much by Christmas Day.
Traditionally it is the 23rd December, Christmas Eve.
You should put it about the beginning or middle of December.
Franklin Pierce had the first Christmas tree put up in the White House.
Well In Ireland And The UK We Put Up Our Christmas Tree On The 8th Of December And Leave It Up Untill The 6th Of January :)
Some Russians do put up trees for Christmas.