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cause they do

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Q: Why do Russian wear red?
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What color does santa wear in Russia?

THE russian flag is white, blue, and red

What do Russian people wear today?

Russian People wear normal clothes that americans wear.

When was Russian Red born?

Russian Red was born in 1985.

What is the word for red in Russian?

The word for red in Russian is "красный" (krasniy).

How do you say red in Russian?

"Red" in Russian is "красный" (pronounced as krah-SNEE).

What is Russian for red?

The Russian word for red is "красный" (pronounced krah-snee).

Russian peasant wear?


What do Russian kids wear to school?

they wear forms to school They wear uniforms but they wear them as the color as there flag...

Russian Red or Jocelyn Pook wrote the Loving Strangers song?

Lourdes Hernandez alias Russian Red :-)

What did the Russian Jews wear?

they wore something

What do Russian children wear?

Usually clothes,

Why do Russian's wear long skirts?

Because it is part of their religion and it is obligated to wear them.