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Santa is real. To kids, who have great imaginations, it helps them to countdown the days before Christmas - which is when Santa brings presents. Santa is fun and he loves kids.

Kids can tell Santa what they want for Christmas (how else would their parents know what to buy?) and they can take pictures with Santa.

Try explaining to a four-year-old child that they have to go to bed so that their parents can put presents under the tree for the next morning. They wouldn't go to bed!

Santa is a fun way to show kids when they get presents and to get them to be good and go to bed on time.

You don't really need to know that Santa isn't "real" unless you are a parent who has to buy presents and then you become one of many Santa's out there.

Who says Santa isn't real?!

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14y ago
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13y ago

oh because they want you to do as your told so they use if your not good santa will give you coal yeah right he wont so parents stop brainwashing you kids he is NOT real im 12 i usedto belive in him too not any more and santa is not watching you and your parents just stuff the presents under the tree and put from santa and the Easter Bunny is not real ether

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13y ago

he is not real it is just a mith he was real but not anymore. But people do it so kids have creativity and stuff.

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14y ago

It is just a tradition that Santa is the one giving presents every Christmas and parents want to keep it a tradition. The child usually gets older and stops believing anyways.

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13y ago

Santa Claus IS REAL!!! They say he is real because he is and people have met him. And my children get letters from him that he actually signed. Please believe in Santa Claus!

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What do you tell your kids when they ask is Santa real?

Personally, I'd tell them the truth.

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Santa is just a made up character that parents tell little kids, also when you think about it Santa is kind of real because they are your parents! Hope this helps!

Why or why not is it right to tell your kids that Santa and the Easter Bunny and tooth fairy etc is real?

i think that you should tell them that santa and ect are real because that will make then use their imagination more and when they are teens they wont be the kids that hate their parents and refuse to mske contact with them. that's why you should tell them that.

What do you do if people tell you that Santa Claus is not real?

people tell me that Santa isn't real so I'm used to it don be afraid to tell them they Santa is real unless the kindergartners are saying hes fake then just say hes real anyway don't let fear rule Ur life like i do be strong!

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Santa is not real, though it's fun to pretend! Many parents tell their kids that Santa lives on the North Pole.

Does Santa have a real wife?

Since santa is just a character parents tell their kids is real but really he is just make believe. So no santa does not have a wife, how i know santa is not real one Christmas when i already knew he wasn't real my father could not provide a huge Christmas for me and my sister but we loved it anyway. If santa were real there would have been more presents under the tree so no he does not have a wife since he is not real Since santa is just a character parents tell their kids is real but really he is just make believe. So no santa does not have a wife, how i know santa is not real one Christmas when i already knew he wasn't real my father could not provide a huge Christmas for me and my sister but we loved it anyway. If santa were real there would have been more presents under the tree so no he does not have a wife since he is not real

What to talk to kids about as Santa?

What you decide to talk to kids about as Santa can vary depending on what you want your children to believe. While there is no harm in allowing them to believe in Santa Claus, you can also tell them the story of Saint Nicholas and how he was a real man and would make toys for the poor and that is where Santa come from.

Why do people say Santa Claus is not real?

Reality of Santa ClausBecause he is untruth and not real! He's real for kids only. Rather Santa is real or not is in your perspective. While it is true that Santa is not a rolly-polly man who wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and delivers presents on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by 8 reindeer, the spirit of Santa Claus can be very real, depending on people's outlooks.look why say that some kid could be out there reading this and you could really be ruining there life so there for let there mum or dad tell them that not you.Some people forgot their sense of magic and imagination.

Is Santa casle real?

No Santa clause is not real, he is a person your parents tell you about for your imagination

What is the best way to tell your kids about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny if you don't believe in lying but think it's okay for kids to have a harmless fantasy to believe in?

Tell your kids that ... Santa and the Easter bunny Are not real butt they still exist in there hearts and they were only ment to bring joy and fun to Christmas and Easter

Is Santas workshop real?

No, sorry. I'm 11 and i know Santa is or the workshop. If u 3-10 year old kids Parents tell u Santa is real, DON'T BELIEVE THEM!! They are trying to make u believe that a figment of your imagination is REAL!!!!

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Sorry to tell you this but, Santa is not real. Therefore, there is no Santa in Jerusalem.