It fell on all days of the week, as follows: Friday 4th of July 1989 Saturday 4th of July 1990 Sunday 4th of July 1991 Tuesday 4th of July 1992 Wednesday 4th of July 1993 Thursday 4th of July 1994 Friday 4th of July 1995 Sunday 4th of July 1996 Monday 4th of July 1997 Tuesday 4th of July 1998 Wednesday 4th of July 1999 Friday 4th of July 2000 Saturday 4th of July 2001 Sunday 4th of July 2002 Monday 4th of July 2003 Wednesday 4th of July 2004 Thursday 4th of July 2005 Friday 4th of July 2006 Saturday 4th of July 2007 Monday 4th of July 2008 Tuesday 4th of July 2009 Wednesday 4th of July 2010 Thursday 4th of July 2011 Saturday 4th of July 2012 Sunday 4th of July 2013 Monday 4th of July 2014 Tuesday 4th of July 2015 Thursday 4th of July 2016 Friday 4th of July 2017
Friday 4th of July 2008. Saturday 4th of July 2009. Sunday 4th of July 2010. Monday 4th of July 2011. Wednesday 4th of July 2012. Thursday 4th of July 2013. Friday 4th of July 2014. Saturday 4th of July 2015. Monday 4th of July 2016. Tuesday 4th of July 2017.
The 5th US president, James Monroe died July 4th 1831. He was the third president to die on July 4th (but other years).
It was the first americian victory in almos a year and was the first time the americians attacked. Another reason is that the americians took much needed suplies from the Hessians and almost died.
In the US, our Independence Day on July 4th celebrates our independence for British rule.
July 4th is Americas Independence Day. It is an annual holiday.
The most important national holiday for the US is July 4th.
that is the day that we got rid of slavery
European Settlers.
they were declaring war on the americians
July 4
It was last on a Sunday in 2010. In 2015 it will be on Saturday, but because 2016 is a leap year, July 4 skips Sunday to be on Monday in 2016. Sunday will come round again in 2021. Going from 2010 to 2021, these are the days and dates for the 4th of July: Sunday 4th of July 2010 Monday 4th of July 2011 Wednesday 4th of July 2012 (leap year) Thursday 4th of July 2013 Friday 4th of July 2014 Saturday 4th of July 2015 Monday 4th of July 2016 (leap year) Tuesday 4th of July 2017 Wednesday 4th of July 2018 Thursday 4th of July 2019 Saturday 4th of July 2020 (leap year) Sunday 4th of July 2021