

Best Answer

Mon-fri.When you work/study time drag.
Fri-Mon.When you enjoy/relax time FLIES.

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Q: Why is Monday so far from Friday?
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Why is Friday so close to Monday but Monday is so far away from Friday?

That's clever. I like it a lot.

Why is Monday so far to Friday and Friday so close to Monday?

because the people who thought of the days of the week made it that way.

Why is Monday far away from Friday?

It isn't

Does Friday - Monday mean Friday to Monday or Friday through Monday?

The term 'Friday - Monday' means Friday through Monday(Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday).

If today is Monday when is next Friday?

Next Friday would be 4 days after Monday, so it would be on the following Friday.

A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement?

If a teacher walked into the classroom and said "If only yesterday was tomorrow, today would have been Saturday" then the day would have to be Monday. The day before Monday is Sunday, and if Sunday were the next day, the current day would be Saturday.

Does between Monday to Friday includes Monday Friday?


Who Should Present Seven News Brisbane Monday to Friday?

Kay McGrath (News) Monday to Friday, Pat Welsh (Sport) Monday to Friday and Rod Young (Weather) Monday to Friday.

What does next Monday mean on a Friday?

When you say next Monday on a Friday, it means in three days. There are two full days between Friday and Monday. The weekend, Saturday and Sunday is between Friday and Monday.

Monday threw Friday in spanish?

Lunes lanzó viernes = Monday threw Friday de lunes a viernes = Monday through Friday

Do Croatian kids go to school Monday through Friday?

From Monday to Friday!

What days Monday through Friday?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, thursday, friday.