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New nuclear fuel is slightly active, it has a very low rate of spontaneous fission, however it is safe to handle at this new stage when made up into fuel rods. After use in the reactor it becomes highly active and would kill you even with a short exposure, a minute or even less, so heavy shielding is then essential.

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Q: Are all nuclear fuel radioactive
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What is a radioactive nuclear fuel?

All nuclear fuels contain radioactive elements.

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Uranium is a radioactive element used to fuel nuclear reactors. It is a nuclear fuel.

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Uranium is the most used nuclear fuel. Plutonium can also be used, but it has to be separated from used uranium fuel

What is the definition of radioactive fuel?

Radioactive fuel is a substance, such as uranium or plutonium, that undergoes nuclear fission in a reactor to produce energy. This process releases large amounts of heat that can be converted into electricity.

What kind of nuclear waste are produced by nuclear energy?

Radioactive waves

How bad is uranium 233?

Uranium-233 is not bad ! It is an important nuclear fuel . And also can be used in nuclear weapons.But it is radioactive and toxic as all uranium isotopes.

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Cola is a renewable thermal fuel power source. It is not radioactive in the sense of nuclear plant fuel.

Which energy source generates radioactive waste?

Nuclear energy generates radioactive waste in the form of spent nuclear fuel, which contains radioactive isotopes. This waste must be stored and managed properly due to its long-term hazardous nature.

What is bad about nuclear waste?

It is highly radioactive (that is the waste contained in the spent fuel)