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yeah why wouldn't they

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Q: Are the Amish allowed to ride bikes?
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Can amish ride bikes?

Yes, the Amish people can and do ride bikes all the time.

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Where did people ride their bikes?

Wherever they wanted, could, and were allowed to.

Are you allowed to drive a pocket bikes on the sidewalk?

No you are not you must ride in the street

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Are Mormons people that ride bikes all the time cause they don't believe in cars?

No, they don't ride the bikes because they don't believe in cars. They do drive cars, my friend is a mormon. They only ride bikes after they get out of college and they go door to door on bikes for what is called "missionary work" to get people to try and convert to being a mormon. You're probably thinking of the Amish who often eschew motorized transportation.

When are children allowed to ride their bikes the giver?

Children are typically allowed to ride their bikes when they are old enough to understand and follow traffic rules, have developed the necessary coordination and balance to ride safely, and have permission from parents or guardians. It is important to ensure that children are equipped with helmets and taught how to ride responsibly before allowing them to ride on their own.

Where do people ride mountain bikes?

Wherever they want and are allowed to, but mainly off road.

Can you ride a min bike in Texas on the side walk?

No, not even pedal bikes are allowed on sidewalks.

What felipe calderon do for fun?

Ride Bikes Ride Bikes

Why dirt bikes are not allowed in bike lanes?

If the Engine is 50cc or larger it is Illegal to ride in a bike lane

Are you allowed to ride dirt bikes on a beach?

That would depend on who owns the beach and on local ordnances.Where I'm at I would be allowed to ride on privately owned beaches, if I have the land owner's permission. Public beaches would be a no-no.