The tea bag itself can be made of a number of things, not all of them paper, and the difficulty in cleaning all of the tea out of the bag would make the whole process much too complicated. However, tea bags go wonderfully into compost as they are organic matter and will decompose and return to the earth.
Many people also use a teabag more than once to make tea, and call this recycling.
I've tried makind the tea bag rocket and found out that a chamomile tea bag works best.
Only the water can enter into the bag and leave the bag, the tea leaves can not leave the bag.
Only the water can enter into the bag and leave the bag, the tea leaves can not leave the bag.
I don't think you either can or need to "recycle" tea; it's basically leaves, so if you really wanted to you could compost it.
a tea bag stays loger in a cup
it becomes tea
Yogi Tea.
Their are 0 calories in a Lipton tea bag.
When a tea bag is placed in water, the water fills the tea bag. The soluble matter of the tea leaves, what essentially makes the tea, then diffuses into the water through the bag. The brown coloring is a result of this process.
I think the transfer of heat depending on if you have a tea bag is actually from the tea bag.....
The correct way to say it is tea-bag.The t stands for tea. ____________________________________________________________________ that and what he means is T-Bag as it testicle bag... d-bag
A tea bag thread measures a few centimeters or inches in length.