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Yes, most bigger metropolitan areas have trash receptacles for rent from the waste management company. It may be more difficult in the outlying towns as services may be limited.

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Q: Can you rent garbage containers
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Good places to rent steel containers are ship yards that specializes in importing and exporting goods in large steel containers. You can rent them to ship and store your goods.

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Why were garbage cans invented?

The garbage can as we know it today was not an invention, per se, but rather as evolution from simple containers used to hold garbage, rather than throw it into the streets.

What are some garbage items that begin with the letter I?

inkjet cartridgeice cream containers (empty)

What are the reasopns of pollution?

Garbage, woodcutting, oil containers, all human activities and waste

Where can one rent intermediate bulk containers in Florida?

You can rent intermediate bulk containers in Florida from websites such as Macraes Blue Book and Reusable Transport Packaging. Another website you should visit is Hoover Solutions.

Why were canned invented?

The garbage can as we know it today was not an invention, per se, but rather as evolution from simple containers used to hold garbage, rather than throw it into the streets.

What are mobile fees?

Your pad rent, and garbage, upkeep, and maintenance if any apply.

Do apartment renters have to pay for garbage?

it will depend on the apartment complex if the renters have to pay extra for garbage. Most apartments include trash with rent.

Can you rent shipping containers to be placed on a ship or train?

Shipping containers are available for rent to ship large items on a train or ship. The prices may vary so shop around for the best deals available. There usually is a delivery fee as well.

garbage services with yard pickup and prices?

Tidy Bug Containers: St Peters ,29 Edgemont Rd, St Peters, MO .. is a garbage service in Saint Peters,MO