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Depends on the local laws, some places they can get fined if they don't in others the law doesn't care. As far as I'm concerned it makes sense to wear a helmet whether it's the law or not. It might not save you if you get thrown under a truck, but it can offer some valuable protection for a less dramatic accident.

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15y ago
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7y ago

That's not Always true.

The laws regarding bicycle use can be different from one Place to Another.

While it is a bit silly, there are a couple of different reasons:

  • adults are allowed to make more decisions regarding their own lives than kids and teens.
  • bicycle accidents that lead to serious head injuries for people riding casually are quite rare. there isn't much safety gained by forcing all riders to wear helmets all the time.
  • many adults don't like to wear helmets. There is some concern that these people would stop riding if they were forced to wear helmets. If they stop riding, they miss out on some exercise. There might a be a bigger risk of people getting sick from lack of exercise than from riding w/o helmets.
  • if helmet riding is required by law, then that law has to be enforced. If many won't use helmets, then a lot of police Resources will be spent giving these people fines.

Personally, I Think helmets make perfect sense. Even the results from a minor injury - split eyebrow, scalp abrasions etc isn't much fun. Buying and wearing a helmet is a cheap price if all it ever does is keep me out of the ER once.

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10y ago

The laws are different from place to place, and you haven't told where you ride.

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11y ago

No, age doesn't matter. Anybody can fall off and get serious head injury if the head is unprotected.

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11y ago

Depends on where you are, the rules are different from place to place.

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Q: Do you have to have a helmet to ride a bicycle if you are over the age of 18?
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If i have a helmet and I am under the age of six-teen can you ride a motorized bicycle?

If you have a helmet yes

Age to ride gas scooters in California?

The age to ride gas scooters in California is at least 16 years. A properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet is mandatory.

How old do you have to be to ride a bicycle without a helmet in Oregon?

It as implemented in 1999 that any person under the age of 16 must where a helmet hile bicycling in the state of Maine.

How old are you supposed to be to ride a bike without a helmet?

Legally it depends on if its a motorcycle or a bicycle and where you are, helmet laws aren't the same all over. In practical terms, the day to stop using a helmet is the day when you no longer think your head is worth protecting. Bottom line: you should always wear a helmet regardless of your age.

What is the age limit for children to wear bicycle helmets in california?

Anyone under the age of 18 must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.

What is the age limit to wear a helmet in ontario?

All Bicycle riders under 18 are required to wear a helmet

What is the legal age in CA to not wear a helmet?

you have to wear a helmet whenever you ride a bike or you will be fined

In Florida you must wear a helmet when you are what age?

Under 21 for a motorcycle and under 16 for a bicycle.

What is the age to ride a goped?

minimum age limit is 13 but use a helmet to protect your head

What is the age limit to ride a goped?

minimum age limit is 13 but use a helmet to protect your head

Are there age limits to ride a 4wheeler?

Persons under 18, must wear a helmet

Do you need a helmet to ride trike motorcycle?

That depends on your age and where you're at. Helmet laws differ from place to place. Some places require all people to wear a helmet, other require people under a certain age to wear a helmet, some don't require bicyclists of any age to wear a helmet at all.