youre a dumb@ss
no, it is not, if ure riding on the street you have to obey the traffic laws, if ure riding on the sidewalk you must obey the pedestrian traffic laws.
go an sign up and write youre information
8 Sides on a Stop Signsides on a stop sign
A bike-and-ride is the act of using a bicycle in conjunction with another type of transportation such as public transport, a system which ordinarily involves bicycle storage, and the ability to travel from stop to stop on their bicycle.
you do not stop at a stop sign,you are required to stop for a stop sign.
To aproach a stop sign what should you do
you stop at the white line instead of the stop sign, the stop sign would be to far
A stop sign is hexagonal (six sides).A stop sign has 8 sides!
The sign is a warning to drivers to be careful of bicyclists.
A stop sign is a red sign that says "STOP" and it is better than a stop light because it's cheeper and free.