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Today it isn't particularly important, but back in the days of the beginning of the industrial era, the bicycle was the first affordable vehicle for personal transportation, which enabled people to work, study and socialize outside walking distance of their homes.

On a smaller scale bicycling, just like any other activity, can have a large impact on a individual life. Some have met their wife, husband, best friend, employer etc through bicycling. Some become a very good riders and make their fame and fortune through riding. Someone get killed or badly injured through riding. The bicycle was the first widely affordable means of personal transportation. It enabled people to work, study and socialize outside walking range of their homes.

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9y ago
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13y ago

The bicycle was the forst affordable vehicle for personal transportation, allowing regular people to work, study and socialize outside walking distance from their homes.

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15y ago

Yes. for people who can't afford motorized transport it still extends the distance they can cover each day for school or jobs.

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14y ago

Bicycles were the first widely affordable means of personal transportation, which meant that people could travel farther for work and other activites.

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12y ago

The bicycle was the first affordable means of personal transportation, allowing people to work, study or socialize outside of walking distance from where they lived.

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13y ago

The bicycle was the first widely affordable means of personal transportation, which allowed people to work, study and socialize outside of walking distance from their homes.

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It takes very little skill or effort to change a bike tire. Anyone who rides a bike should be able to do it.

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