RECYCLE! I went from a full trash can to 1 bag of garbage a week. Anything in the kitchen that is not dairy or meat can go into a compost bin including paper plates and sugar packets. All packages that you buy are recycleable. Try that and it will reduce your garbage level.
Separate recyclable materials such as cardboard, paper and plastic packaging, empty glass bottles and jars ( find out where to take this stuff to recycle in your community ) AND food wastes, most of which can be returned to the soil of gardens or even household planters, if carefully following guidelines. A nearby gardener, if organic at all, will gladly accept most kitchen waste for his composter.
You will be pleasantly surprised at how much your garbage cost will be reduced.
You can compost anything organic. You can even compost paper and cardboard. It helps to shred it first. You can recycle lots of stuff besides your basic metal cans, plastic bottles, and glass. There are companies who accept TV's, computers, and computer accessories for recycling - check your local phone book. Instead of leaving bags of leaves for your local trash people to pick up, you can mulch them with your lawnmower. If you go into fast food restaurants and eat there, you avoid generating food container waste. There are all kinds of ways.
Proper garbage disposal is important so as to prevent pollution of land and air. Improper garbage disposal releases foul smell causing air pollution
Garbage pollution can cause emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.
measure to avoid marine pollutions by oil annex 1 measure to avoid marine pollution by noxious liquid substances annex 2 measure to avoid marine pollution by harmful substances annex 3 measure to prevent marine pollution by seawage from ship annex 4 measure to prevent marine pollution by garbage annex 5 measure to prevent marine pollution by air pollution annex 6
Pollution disturb the ecosystem by Garbage, Garbage causes pollution of land and water. Polluted waters can kill water plants and animals :)
because a dump is usually a dump of garbage and garbage has heaps of bacteria in it with then bacteria is what causes pollution
Yes, garbage can cause pollution when it is not disposed of properly. Improperly disposed garbage can release harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases into the environment, contaminating air, water, and soil. It is important to manage and dispose of garbage responsibly to reduce pollution.
the garbage, the smell of dirty, and every things that have to do with garbage.
Improper garbage disposal can cause harmful effects on animal life. Improper garbage disposal can also cause air pollution and pollution of soil.
We could help stop pollution by doing a clean up or maybe just not littering youreself or you could be more respectable of water and just throw your garbage in the trash.
The main source of pollution on the street is litter. You can reduce littering by making garbage cans available, but there are always going to be some people who litter. If you like, you can pick up litter when you see it, and put it in garbage cans, although that can be a full time occupation. Human beings are messy.
TRASH The garbage not our FUTURE.
doesnt matter because their both pollution but coal is